more stuff blooming
early girl tomatoes - living up to their name
yellow pear tomatoes
I am soooo excited about my tomatoes -- nothing like a vine-ripened tomato, still warm from the sun. I tried to grow tomatoes in GA, but didn't have the right spot. They rotted before they ever ripened. Had lots of green ones to fry, but no ripe ones. Hoping this year will be different.
Funny story about the yellow pears. One year my dad had 2 tomato plants in containers out on the back patio. One was yellow pears. They were awesome. My sister and I went out every day and picked all the ripe ones before dad ever got any. I'm not sure if he thought they never produced or what. All I know is that it was the last year dad ever had tomato plants.
Your plants look great. We are also trying a veggie garden this year too! I am looking forward to tomatoes also!!! I'll have to get some pics when they actually look like something, just green leaves right now.
Happy gardening!
Rita (in Texas)
YAY PHOTOS!!! I am so gardening inept but that is my dream. I decided I needed to start just growing basil and maybe parsley in a pot in the kitchen first, though....
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